NAHJ Board unanimously approves 5-Year Strategic Plan

LAS VEGAS — Advocating for equity and fair representation of Latinx journalists is the top priority for the National Association of Hispanic Journalists’ 5-year strategic plan approved by the board unanimously this week, during the joint convention in Las Vegas.
“It’s a living breathing document for the next five years,” said Yvette Cabrera, Chair of the Strategic Plan Committee and the unopposed presidential candidate.

The committee began their work on the plan virtually in April 2021 and were meeting for the first time in person after having met for more than a year via a computer screen.
The smell of cafecito filled the room, as board members greeted each other with hugs and smiles, for many it was the first time meeting each other.
Cabrera thanked committee members for their work strategizing the goals that are going to be a roadmap for the organization moving forward.
“I’ve had the pleasure of talking to some former board members and presidents in the process of preparing for this next step,” Cabrera said.
The plan details four priorities for the organization and its members: to advocate for equity, parity and accountability in newsrooms on behalf of Latinx journalists; grow NAHJ’s influence and empower members to engage with each other; create training opportunities; and revamp the board and leadership structure to expand the organization’s capacity.

So far, only a one-page summary of the strategic plan has been made available. A condensed version of the plan will be published on Saturday in English and Spanish. It will be sent via email, but board members discussed posting it on social media platforms to better engage members.
“Students love to share messages on stories and on Instagram,” David Cordero, Region 1 director, said. “That’s the way they communicate.”
Alexandra Mora Medina graduated from Arizona State University this year and will pursue a master’s degree in bilingual journalism next fall. She’s written about sustainability and voting issues. She’s interested in working as an audio and podcasting reporter. Reach her at mora [dot] alexandra [dot] 17 [at] gmail [dot] com and on Twitter @AlexMoraMedina.